Ladies & Girls Movie Night at HMBC
Bring a cozy blanket and your favorite popcorn bucket because there will be fresh popcorn, snacks and drinks available. The movie features songs from For King and Country, Amy Grant, Bonray, and Michael W. Smith. Please arrive around 4:15, so the movie can start by 5.
See the trailer here.

Time Changes - Spring Forward
It’s time to spring forward! Don’t forget to set your clocks forward before going to bed on Saturday night!

Week of Prayer for North American Missions (AAEO)
This is the Week of Prayer for North American Missions. We will be receiving the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Our goal is $750!
Learn more here: https://anniearmstrong.com/week-of-prayer/

Men's Breakfast
Men, come on out and join us for our monthly men’s breakfast at Golden Corral in Cherrydale!

In-Betweeners Dinner Fellowship
Be sure to mark your calendar & invite your friends! Easley Golden Corral

Men’s Breakfast
Men, join us as we resume our monthly breakfast at Golden Corral in Cherrydale for 2025!

Christmas Program & Evening Meal
There will be a covered dish meal following the program. Please bring your favorite foods to share.

Open Door Sunday School Class Breakfast Fellowship
Bring a gift for the “White Elephant” gift exchange.

Senior Adults: Foothills Playhouse, “Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol”
Sign-up in the foyer!
For details or questions, please see Georgia Shelton.

Time of Being Thankful & Communion
Youth & Adults: Join us for this time of being thankfulness and remembering what Christ has done for us.

Thanksgiving Covered Dish Lunch
Sign-up to bring certain items or bring your favorite foods and/or desserts.

Shoebox Deadline
The Youth's goal is to make 150+ boxes this year. The Youth would like to challenge our church family to do the same (150 boxes).
You can donate money for items and/or prepare your own boxes.
Youth & Adult Packing Pizza Party will be on Wednesday, November 6 at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Building.
If you have any questions, please see Kelsi McKelvey.
Boxes & material are available in the foyer.
Our church will be paying the $10/box again this year for shipping the boxes to the children. $10 Activated/Already Paid for labels are available - see Kelsi for these labels.

Craft Fair
Registration forms are now available to reserve a table in the church foyer!
If you have any questions, please see Kelsi McKelvey.

Shoebox Packing Party
The Youth & Adults will gather together for pizza and then pack the boxes in the fellowship building. The Children are also having a pizza party in their classroom downstairs. You can also pack your own boxes (Deadline: Nov. 17) Many of the boxes already have paid for labels ($10/box) on them & a rubber band inside the box. Please be sure to bring these boxes back even if you decide not to pack them. Choir practice will be at 5:30pm this day instead of 5:45pm.

Women’s Ministry: Prayer Jars
Inspire a habit - a habit of praying! The Bible says we should pray for each other, and the best way to do it is with prayer jars! These jars can be our daily reminder to pray for people around us.
Join us for some fellowship and show us your creativity in making your own prayer jar.

Youth Sponsored Fall Festival
Come on out for our annual Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat!
Candy donations are appreciated. Please place donations in the barrel in the downstairs foyer.
If you would like to do a trunk, please let Kelsi McKelvey know.

Church Picnic (RESCHEDULED)
Due to the effects of Hurricane Helene, this event has been rescheduled to October 13th.
Join us for our annual church picnic at the Dacusville Community Center Pavilion! The church is providing chicken tenders, paper-goods & some beverages. Bring whatever sides and/or desserts you’d like to bring. Donations of canned drinks & drink boxes for the kids are appreciated! Hope you can come!

Women’s Road Trip to Jeter Mountain Farm (CANCELLED)
Due to the devastating effects of Hurricane Helene, this event has been cancelled.
A farm experience ripe for making memories! Apple picking and more. This farm has a coffee shop, bakery, in-house smoked BBQ, cider, covered play area and live music. If you want to join, please check out the sign-up sheet at the foyer.
For any questions, see Cynn or Hannah.